-Author of the Danutia Dranchuk Mystery Series-

Photo: Annie Pang
I like the scope crime fiction gives for exploring questions of social inequality and social justice. My main character, Danutia Dranchuk, is braver about facing physical danger than I could hope to be, but we share a passion for justice.
The first book in the series, A Deadly Little List, came about when husband Chris Bullock and I decided to collaborate on a writing project that would be fun. Our marriage survived that experiment, and we’ve now written three books together.
As well as writing mysteries, I have published short stories and co-authored two textbooks widely used in Canadian colleges and universities, Essay Writing for Canadian Students and Forms of Writing. Personal essays appear in two collections of women’s writing I co-edited with Caterina Edwards, Eating Apples and Wrestling with the Angel.
I have served as National Vice-President and President of Crime Writers of Canada and in 2011 co-chaired Bloody Words Mystery Conference. I am also a member of Sisters in Crime and the Federation of BC Writers. When not sitting at my computer, staring out at the ever-changing Gorge Waterway, I am often to be found at nearby Gorge Park Community Gardens.

Photo: Annie Pang
About Chris Bullock
Chris Bullock, co-author of A Deadly Little List, Unholy Rites and Tour de Mort, draws on his knowledge of England and the English in his creation of ex-pat drama critic Arthur Fairweather.
Chris was born in Cheshire and educated at the University of Leeds before coming to Canada to teach at the University of Alberta in Edmonton. After a career that included publishing poetry, scholarly articles, and textbooks, he turned to writing fiction and creative nonfiction. In addition to his work on the Danutia Dranchuk mysteries, he has returned to writing poetry.
Chris’s other interests range from hiking to doing Pilates and playing guitar. He is also active in his non-traditional church.